Why do you choose us?

Varied adventures

If you are planning for an adventure to explore the desert, an interesting experience is waiting, we will take you to places not reached by others!

Fun and happiness

Delta Adventures give its customers the opportunity to have fun and happiness through our experience in this field for more than 40 years, with us you will have Long lasting pleasure experience.

Unreachable Places

We keep our promise to take you to places not reached by others, we are open to the world, having long experience in the desert environment and it’s landforms

Unforgettable trips

Start an unforgettable adventure to the most beautiful destinations in the Arabian Peninsula with our exceptional offers to enjoy the world largest sand mine.

Quick booking

You can get all information and choosing your trip with simple clicks, you will get instant feedback about the desert adventures you are looking for, let’s change your life and write down your story with Delta Adventures.

We care

We believe that serving our customers is a commitment, so Delta Adventures has a highly qualified desert adventures team. We encourage our customers to feel the core of our culture, customs and our way of life.

The Arabian Peninsula wouldn’t have been the subject of extensive geographical and historical research if it weren’t for the efforts of Abdullah bin Khamis, a geographer, writer, poet, and historian.

Over 50 books in literature, poetry, criticism, and heritage are the epitome of Khamis’ intellectual and creative work. His passion for the peninsula’s geography was evident as he traversed its lands, famously saying, “There’s no place in the Arabian Peninsula my feet haven’t touched!”

Bin Khamis would take his sons Eddie and Mohammed on his journeys, instilling in them a love for road trips and the knowledge that comes with them. These expeditions gave rise to another generation of travelers, one that cherished the desert and its unique landscapes for over 50 years.

The journeys continued after bin Khamis’ passing, as his sons never stopped taking groups of children and friends across the Arabian Peninsula. Word of these trips spread, sparking interest and participation, which led to the establishment of Delta Adventures for Trips by Eddie and Mohammed, sons of Abdullah bin Khamis.

Delta, like a triangle with three sides, represents Abdullah bin Khamis and his sons, Mohammed and Eddie.

Delta Adventures for Trips…

Delta, like a triangle with three sides, represents Abdullah bin Khamis and his sons, Mohammed and Eddie.