This is an amazing journey from the present to the past. An experience that you can only have in a fairy tale. Join Us Crossing the Empty Quarter , Bayda’ Allahy 6 Days - 5 Nights * 4 to 9 December 2022 *18 to 23 December 2022 #desert #tourism #investments #saudiarabia #pif #saudiarabia #saudi #sauditourism #saudivision2030 #sauditravel #hospitality #tourism #heritage #travel #innovation #sustainability #environment #sustainable #sustainabledevelopment #Heritage #conservation #climate #nature #tourisme #ecoturismo
This is an amazing journey from the present to the past. An experience that you can only have in a fairy tale.
Crossing the Empty Quarter , Bayda’ Allahy
6 Days – 5 Nights
* 4 to 9 December 2022
*18 to 23 December 2022
#desert #tourism #investments #saudiarabia #pif #saudiarabia #saudi #sauditourism #saudivision2030 #sauditravel
#hospitality #tourism #heritage #travel #innovation #sustainability #environment #sustainable #sustainabledevelopment
#Heritage #conservation #climate #nature #tourisme #ecoturismo